Past events
These are some past events in which I was involved, or that I helped organise. I keep the website of some of them so that abstracts, slides and other material remain accesible.
El Enigma. Noviembre 2019. Un juego organizado por la Facultad de Ciencias de la UGR. Los enigmas y las respuestas están disponibles en la página web.
CIMPA 2019. June 11 to 22, 2019. CIMPA Summer School that took place in La Habana, Cuba.
Workshop on Nonlocal differential equations in collective behavior. June 18 to June 22, 2018 at the American Institute of Mathematics, San Jose, California.
Lluís Santaló Summer School on “Interactions between PDE and probability”. Santander, 13-17 August 2018
Spring School “Microscopic descriptions and mean-field equations in physics and social sciences”. University of Bath, United Kingdom, 12-16 May 2014.
PDE and probability session at the 10th ICOR conference. La Habana, Cuba, 6-9 March 2012.