Registration for this CIMPA school is now closed. Below we keep the information that was posted before regarding the registration procedure, with dates that already passed.

Registration (now closed)

If you are interested in attending the school we request that you register by email. Registration is handled separately for Cuban and non-Cuban students:

Notice that the deadline for registration is March 31st, but the deadline for requesting financial support is February 24th, and is established by CIMPA.

Please attach also a short CV

There is the possibility of requesting financial support from CIMPA with a deadline of February 24, 2019. CIMPA has a website for school here, and this is the information provided by CIMPA on this:

All persons, except the lecturers, wishing to attend a CIMPA School are requested to register on the local web site of the school. People who require support to cover their costs of participation (travel and/or living expenses) can apply for a financial support from CIMPA on the web page:

Only the students and research teaching staff of an institution located in a developing country different from the country of the school are eligible to a financial support from CIMPA. Applications must be submitted before the deadline which is given on the CIMPA webpage of the school. Applications shall include a cover letter and two recommendation letters that will be sent electronically by the referees. Candidates are advised to complete their applications early enough and to ask the referees to send the letters long before the deadline. CIMPA will not assume responsibility for any last-minute application which cannot be completed due to technical reasons.